Hi, I'm Dennis Neville Every, I'm a full-stack software engineer from Aruba.

I love building simple, beautiful user experiences, currently working for SweetRush.

Featured Projects



Anywhere is a group capstone project which has a React Front-End and a Ruby on Rails Back-End. Users can sign up, create places, and make reservations like AirBnB.

React Redux Bootstrap Ruby on Rails


Stocks is a single page web application (SPA), built with React, which shows a list of popular companies' stock tickers, and also shows financial metrics for each ticker on the details page.

React Redux Axios Jest


Bookstore is a single page web application built with React, which allows users to display a list of books, add a book, and remove a selected book.

React Redux Axios


Foodie is a recipes app built with Ruby on Rails which keeps track of recipes and ingredients. It allows registered users to save ingredients, create recipes, and generate a shopping list.

Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL


Full-Stack Software Engineer boasting 3 years of experience. Excels in working with React, JavaScript, and Ruby, with a keen interest in learning new technologies. Passionate about collaborating on the creation and architecture of greenfield projects, as well as upgrading and refactoring legacy code bases for improved maintainability. Notable achievements include increasing app performance by over 50% and reducing feature development cycles by over 67% in previous projects. Continually eager for opportunities like pair programming and hackathons. Off duty, often found on the hiking or mountain biking trails.

Let's connect

Front-End Skills 

JavaScript React Redux Hotwire Bootstrap

Back-End Skills 

Ruby Rails PostgreSQL MySQL

Tools & Methods 

Git GitHub GitLab AWS Azure Docker Responsive Rspec TDD

Professional Skills 

Remote Pair-Programming Teamwork Mentoring


Ready to collaborate on your next big project or breakthrough idea? I can't wait to hear from you! Let's take your vision and transform it into a digital reality.